Extra pages

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


I have been so lazy today and really should be doing things instead of surfing the web and eating a whole pint of blueberries. But we are having people move in with us for a bit and this is my last chance to be lazy in my jammies with no one around to watch. I do need to clean the carpets and some more baby proofing soon though.

After having a couple days to reflect on the show, I feel really good about where we are, we have a lot to learn but already have a good foundation to work with. Joy is such a fun horse.

So here are my goals

1- to do pilates or run everyday, I need to be stronger and more flexible.
2- to get a couple lessons in before the next show.
3- get to another horse trial, hopefully in August
4- improve Joy's dressage, at the show we got mostly 5s (acceptable) and 6s, I'm aiming for 6s and 7s
5- continue conditioning Joy on the trails
6- get out on fun rides with friends
7- Cut sugar out of my diet, I have no turn off switch with the white stuff and eat way to much of it. Not healthy!
8- Continue getting comfortable with jumping again
9- fix up trailer
10- Have fun!

Okay, now I am off to buy chicken food and rent a carpet cleaner, oh my exciting life!

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