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Thursday, September 06, 2012


We have been busy!

I have been riding more :) working on getting Joy (and I!) fitter so I can hopefully get some lessons in this fall and maybe get to a horse trial this month or next, we have been mostly trail riding and some dressage work when I can fit it in, often bareback and in the field though.

I have been treating Joy for ulcers because she has been a great, big bitch recently. She is always sensitive and that is fine but totally freaking out over fly spray and being saddled is not, She is also super pissy about any kind of lateral movement, like asking her to leg yield results in her getting really tense, squealing, threatening to rear and spinning around to bite at my boots... We are early on in the treatment but it does seem to be making her less over reactive, so fingers crossed. I would honestly prefer it if it were a pain/ulcer type thing because I don't have huge amounts of time to work her through the bitchiness if it is just her.

I am using this product  http://www.abler.com/ as it is much cheaper then Gastrogard and has the same ingredient.

I still have Miss Poppy, I hate selling horses. She is a really good girl and the sticking point seems to be her lack of experience. I had her for sale cheap but I am now thinking I will take her off the market, trailride her all winter and put her up for sale in the spring. I have enough hay for the winter and later she will have more job skills. Although I wouldn't mind giving her to someone who will love her, I do feel really overwhelmed by having three horses and Joe would be much happier if I went down to two.

We have been chicken mad here! I just hatched out a ton of eggs in the incubator, totally fun! I have more eggs being shipped to me so I can get some different breeds I can't find locally.

I am keeping this blog for horses and some general life stuff, most of the other life and farm stuff is going on here: http://thelittlemamablog.blogspot.com/


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