Things are good, The Smooshy is almost a year (where did the time go???) He is super fun, walking, talking and causing trouble. I love looking at pictures from this time last year because I was huge and convinced he was never coming out.
Horses are currently muddy monsters but doing well, I've been trailriding when I can and Joy has been super fun, a little hot but willing, I'm lunging her on the days without pouring rain and thunder (meaning not today) since she isn't fat but is really not toned. Baby horse is looking a little thin but I'm thinking it's the "hide the three year old behind the barn" thing, Joy got kinda fugly then too but she got better!
After the vet is out for spring coggins and teeth, we are going to start dressage lessons with my friend's trainer! Hopefully on a monthly basis due to finances but I think that will still be so helpful, she is a really good classic trainer who I feel will be a good fit for silly mare and I.
A friend and I went to our first rabbit show, took two of my Silver Fox kits, they did well. The show was really stupidly run and I can't see myself getting super psyched about rabbit shows but it was interesting and the feedback I got on my babies was nice. Came home with three Holland Lops, I love me some Lop ears and since I'm finding the Angora's fur care too time intensive I wanted a second breed.
We once again have too many roosters, out of my 8 silkies we have 3 hens. I do love my silkies though they have such funny personalities. We have a lot of plans for our chickens this year, need to do some marketing!
now pictures!
Lucky, my new Holland Lop buck |
Silver Fox rabbits |
Cutie Silkies |
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