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Wednesday, October 05, 2011

looks like i get my indian summer after all

The weather is glorious and I have a cold. Not awful enough to spend the day in bed but bad enough to put the damper on my enthusiasm to do things.

The weather last week was terrible and since HiT was here I had to trail ride in the pouring rain a couple times. HiT has gone home, I got her owner out on some confidence building rides, got the mare much fitter and got her trailer loading nicely. Then I got paid, overall it was very good. I had some interesting conversations with the owner about horses and training since I am not a fan of most natural horsemanship gimmicks.She was surprised that I could start a young horse in a safe and compassionate way without following any natural horsemanship gurus. To be honest good horse trainers have been around for centuries and most of the techniques these people are selling have been in use for generations.

I've decided not to compete again this year, since I am not entirely sure of how I will be feeling and would hate to pay a lot and then not feel comfortable jumping. I am going to put the money towards lessons instead. Will try and get some jumping lessons in soon before I switch to flatwork in a couple weeks. Joy will definitely benefit from lots of dressage and lunging so I am not feeling at all restricted.  Took Joy out on a fast ride last night since whenever I rode her last week it was as a guide for HiT's owner and we had to mostly walk, it was good for Joy to stretch out over the hills and be able to enjoy some speed. The weather is supposed to be glorious for a bit so I plan on taking her to the river one more time before Fall kicks in again.

Sadie has been having some peeing issues, think she might have a slight UTI, so I've been dosing her with apple cider vinegar and yogurt, which must be terrible because the poor dog won't touch it without a generous amount of cat food mixed in. It seems to be helping. She has been getting large amounts of people food recently due to our roommate's toddler and it seems to be adversely affecting her, she is also all dandruffy and itchy.

Had Joe take some belly pics last night, I think I just look a little chubby instead of preggo.

baby belly at 14 weeks

stupid grin, lol

so going to ride, do a little lunging, deburr ponehs again (dunno where they are finding the beastly things), and clean bunny cages.

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